Looking to start your ukulele journey? Welcome aboard! You're in the right place. The team here at Ukulelemate is working around the clock to answer all the questions you might have. I'm sure they are running through your head right now. What price range should I be looking at? What separates a good ukulele from a bad one? What extras should I be adding to my order? What size ukulele should I get? And, beg my pardon - they come in different sizes!?
Thankfully, we have put together this collections page to help you guys out. Here we have collated all the ukuleles that we personally recommend for beginners. And, unsurprisingly, there is quite a variety. As I always say, there is a ukulele for everybody. To help narrow down options, use the filters on the side bar.
For adults, I usually suggest starting with a concert or tenor. For kids (under 10), generally a soprano (the smallest size) is best. But these are not hard and fast rules. I'm a believer that first impressions are most important. Pick a uke that catches your eye. Often the ones we like the look of serve as great beginner ukes because it means we will pick them up and practice more frequently. Never undervalue aesthetics.
If you want my pick, go for the Bondi Arcadia concert in mahogany. It's always been a favourite of mine.
If you need extra help, get in touch with our customer service team. They are experts in ukulele and have played most, if not all, the ukuleles in this collection page.
- Joel Carr, Owner, UkuleleMate